Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Smart And Easy Way To Start Your Online Business
It is quite simple, really. So simple that its simplicity is often overlooked by most people.
You just simply need to identify and recognize which internet business owner is already making money online or doing what you want to do, and the next thing you should do is model YOUR Internet Business after his.
It is just that SIMPLE!
Yes, you are allowed to copy his or her internet business system or conduct of business.
If you are wondering if it is legal on the side of the law, think about it: does anyone hold any form of copy right to a business model?
Don't get me wrong here. Do not start to copy and paste. See it as a kind of rewrite process. Keep the keywords, the heart and soul and then repackage the whole thing. This happens all the time.
Having said that, you can imitate an internet business owner or marketer who is already doing and achieving the kind of profitable results you so desire.
You can imitate his conduct of business. You can imitate his internet business system.
If he throws in bonuses each time he makes an endorsement, you can do the same. Each time you endorse a product or service as an affiliate, you can throw in your own special offers.
If this internet marketer's response rate to customer service is 24 hours, you can do the same or even better, under 12 hours.
If this internet marketer is making most of his money from list building then what is stopping you from building a profitable mailing list?
While this may sound absurdly simple, you can set up your internet business in the exact or almost similar manner and even sell the same product, assuming you have the rights to sell the same product, of course.
However, you are actually better off selling ANOTHER product, and preferably in a different market using the same internet business model or business practice.
It makes sense to model after a system that is already working that there is nearly no need for you to re-invent the wheel.
Why rediscover the same mistakes when you can save time and effort (and money as well) on doing what is already proven?
That is food for thought on your pursuit in internet marketing.
Business Credit Cards - Smart Choice For Your Small Business?
In an age of on-line payments and multinational business ventures, many small business owners are finding business credit cards to be a smart choice for simplifying payments, organizing expenses, and expanding the capability and autonomy of employees both locally and abroad. Before diving right in and applying for a small business credit card, however, every responsible business owner should ask himself or herself: is a small business credit card the right choice for my business?
There are several factors that can help determine this, but one of the simplest is how long the company has been in existence. Until a company has been around for at least two years, many banks and credit card companies may be reluctant to draw enough conclusions about the company's financial responsibility to approve a large line of credit. In cases such as these, whether a business credit card is approved or not will depend on the personal financial and credit history of whatever individual--from business partner to simple employee--actually puts in the application for the card. This may not be a problem in the case of a rock-solid personal finance history, but if there's any doubt, acquiring a good business credit card may be a trickier proposition.
Another thing to watch out for in the case of a startup small business is the question of personal financial liability. Since Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad in 1886, corporations have had the legal status of individuals, except insofar as business credit cards for startup companies are concerned. The first years of any business are the hardest, and in the case of company bankruptcy, any outstanding financial obligations based on a business credit card will be the original applicant's responsibility to meet. In the case of a large financial obligation, this can be a disaster for personal finance. Of course this is no argument against small business credit cards in all cases--far from it. However, any company interested in setting up a small business credit card would be wise to double-check its business plan and make sure that, in the rare event that the worst occurs, a "Plan B" for paying off the credit balance is firmly in place.
Even established small businesses would do well to examine their financial needs before taking the plunge with a business credit card. In the case of a business which involves a great deal of travel on the part of its employees, a large on-line business component, or a wide variety of expenses that require the business to deal with a number of different suppliers, a small business credit card is virtually essential. However, some small businesses are largely local, largely service-based, or have only a handful of employees authorized to make purchases. In cases like this, the reluctance of a few business credit card providers to allow disputes over billing errors or payments may actually complicate expense reporting and year-end inventories--sometimes a very real problem in the case of small businesses that have expanded far beyond their original business plan or intentions, resulting in a draconian system of purchaser agreements and expense accounts. So the decision to apply for a small business credit card should be made carefully, with defined uses for the card well in place, and a possible light restructuring of the business might even be warranted in order to ensure that payment responsibilities and individual employee purchasing requirements are well-defined in order to avoid possible later problems.
With all of these caveats, are business credit cards ever a good idea? Absolutely: these caveats represent only a few problems, nothing compared to the wealth of tools a good small business credit card can provide for a burgeoning small business. A good business credit card can--and usually does--simplify inventory management and tax reporting, allow employees a greater degree of autonomy on travel, make e-commerce easy, and, depending on "rewards" or travel mileage options, can even directly offset a large share of the expenses for some businesses. So yes, a small business credit card is, in the majority of cases, the smart choice for a small business. But as with all financial matters, care should be taken to determine when that smart choice should be made, or whether the business is structured to take full advantage of it.
Do You Need An Internet Marketing Course?
I never thought the day would come that I would be sitting in front of this computer writing about internet marketing. But here's the thing, from my own online business's that have absolutely nothing to do with internet marketing, about 25% of the emails that come in, have to do with questions about how I got started with my business online.
So I thought I would dispel some myths and give you some cold hard facts. I have been studying internet marketing since 2002. I can assure you that I am not going to go out and create some internet marketing course to teach you. I did however, feel compelled to set the record straight in a few areas and lend a helping hand to those who are getting started or thinking about getting started online.
There are certain realities that one needs to face before you get started and I am going to start off by saying you are going to spend money getting going and purchasing the correct internet marketing course. hopefully those of you who are reading have a little. I'll get into why and what as we move forward.
Here's another thing, stop falling for those get rich quick ads. You know the ones, "Make $10,000.00 over night". If it sounds to good to be true, than it is. Any internet marketing course that has this in their ad, then run for the hills. I agree that sales letters need a little bit of hype to make it exciting to read let get realistic.
Sorry if I sound a little bit angry, but I have become tired of people being taken advantage of. That is the whole reason I have decided to start to write a few articles as to set the record straight and save you the time and aggravation of being taken.
First things first, you must have an idea of what you want to do online to make money. It is highly and I mean highly recommended that you start a business with something you are passionate about, a hobby or an interest that you don't mind researching and something that will keep your attention.
You'll find that your passion for it will keep that lantern lit and you will look forward to getting on the computer and working every single day on your business.
You are going to need a website and if read anything to the contrary, well then it's just another one of those to good to be true things. Who online is going to take you seriously if you don't have a website? They will assume your not a real business.
So to answer the question should you purchase an internet marketing course to get started with your online endeavors? Absolutely! If you lack the experience needed to understand what it takes, then you should search out an internet marketing course that will take you by the hand and show you day by day what to do and how to do it.
Some helpful tips to find the right internet marketing course.
Be sure the course you are purchasing has a person behind it that has been doing business online successfully for 5 or more years. Be sure they have testimonials that back up the claims of their sales letter.Be sure you are going to get the customer support you need as you push forward in your new business. Preferably live chat.
All About Internet Marketing Tools to Use Today
These low cost internet marketing tools aim to better your website and promote them thoroughly. Read on to know more about them:
1. Software
There is software specializing in internet marketing. These programs are affordable internet marketing tools. They attract traffic, communicate your site to anyone online, harness and trim down your keywords, track your site visitors and create links to other sites. Of course, the phrase "low cost" emphasizes that you must not spend exorbitantly. Watch out for internet marketing tools that do nothing but suck your budget.
2. Website packages
Take note of low cost internet marketing tools that do the following: hosting and designing your site, getting your domain, offering technical help, configure and upload your files, campaigning for your traffic. These are available in website packages that you can avail of anytime. Choose a package caters to your site's needs.
3. Mailing lists
Notice that when you visit the Bulk Mail folder of your email, you read nothing but website promotions. That's email marketing? It boosts your business like no other. Don't worry about spamming. There's such a thing as "safe lists" that make your mails spam-free. This is so easy to obtain. Look for mailing lists for sale and let the fun of emailing begin.
4. Data Submitters
This is a money-saving internet marketing tool that works like magic. Have a data submitter of your own and amass tremendously huge hits!
5. E-books
Integrate an e-book in your site for people to download. At such a cheap price, you keep people clamoring for more and visiting your site in the process. That's one affordable internet marketing tool for you.
6. SEO tools
Internet marketing is not complete without the standard SEO tools. Search engines remain as the major powerhouse in marketing so never leave this part out. Generate traffic through this effective low cost internet marketing tool!
Here's a reminder: when you see the low cost internet marketing tool banners online, never get persuaded easily. Study the package deals; analyze the contents and benefits before deciding if you want one.
How To Become A Successful Internet Marketing Consultant
In order to turn yourself into an internet marketing consultant and be able to market yourself, you need to first take stock of your internet marketing skills and knowledge. Figure out where your strengths are and what you need to improve. From that information, put together a plan that will allow you to educate yourself and improve your weak areas. If you find that you are weak in some area, begin to work on those area and brush up on them. Once you develop your skills and feel confident, you will be ready to embark on your internet marketing consultant career.
You must be prepared fully, because as an internet marketing consultant you will be called upon to help a number of varying clients. Your clients will vary from being completely "green" to seasoned veterans of their fields. You will have some that know almost nothing about business or the internet and are looking to you for everything. You will have to take them under your wing, so to speak. On the other hand, you may have clients who are essentially marketing gurus, but have no idea how to market on the internet. As an internet marketing consultant, it is your job to help all levels of client. So be prepared.
Perhaps you feel that your strengths are heavy towards just one area of expertise. You may then want to consider working as internet marketing consultant within a that niche. You can specialize in fields like search engine optimization, email marketing, ezines, or even newsletters. Identify the niche you are strong in and make sure you are up to date on it. There are a number of areas where you can work in internet marketing if you do choose to go the way of niche expertise. To identify which niches are "hot" simply type in a typical question into your favorite search engine and see what comes up.
Becoming an internet marketing consultant can be rewarding work. If you enjoy business, marketing, and the internet it may be a career direction you may want to take. All you need to do is take stock of your knowledge and skill, educate yourself, and be ready help all levels of customers. If you think you are more suited to one aspect, then you can always go the way of the niche consulting role. How you choose to function in your internet marketing consultant role is really up to you.
Tips To Starting A Successful Internet Business
1. Before you can run a successful internet business, you are going to need the necessary knowledge. In other words, if you are looking to start an internet business, choose an industry that you are familiar with. By doing this you will ensure yourself of knowing where to start and how to handle problems as they arise. Of course, it is possible to run a successful internet business even if you do not have past experience. You will just want to make sure that you do your homework before starting. This way you will have some background information on the industry instead of simply going into the venture blind.
2. Make sure that you are organized from the very start. The most successful internet businesses are ones that have a quality business and marketing plan in place from the start. This will allow you to follow your plan as the days go by so that you do not get lost. It is hard to be successful in anything if you do not know where you are trying to go. A business plan will give you an idea on how you want your company to progress, where as a marketing plan will direct you on how to grow your company. These are two things that are synonymous with every successful internet business.
3. Never be ashamed to ask for help if you are having a rough time. A lot of business owners do not like to ask other people for help because they do not want to hurt their pride. This is something that you should come to grips with before you even get started. It is impossible to know everything about your industry but there are times when you will have to ask questions. Instead of thinking of this as a bad thing, why not look at it as a way of making new business contacts? If you are having a technical problem that you cannot figure out, you should get in touch with an IT company right away. There is nothing wrong with doing this. In fact, if you do not ask questions, you will only be holding your company back.
By following the tips above you will be well on your way to running a successful internet business. Remember, anybody can run a business but to be successful you will have to be determined.
To Your Success